On the Rise Staff

Olivia D.A. Maxwell, MDiv.
Executive Director

Olivia D.A. Maxwell serves as the Executive Director for On the Rise Community Development Inc. in Atlanta, GA. Olivia is excited and works to imagine new levels for On the Rise while curating key partnerships that enhance the development and sustainability of Atlanta’s historic west side community and the greater Atlanta communities overall.

Beverly Westbrooks, M.S.W
Coaching Specialist

Beverly Westbrooks serves as the Coaching Specialist at Inclusiv’s On the Rise Financial Center located in Atlanta, Georgia. Beverly supervises a team that works to engage and empower individuals challenged with financial insecurities due to rapid community development.

Frank Williams
Financial Coach

Frank Lee Williams is the inaugural distinguished recipient of the Fannie Lou Hamer Award. Mr. Williams graduated from Syracuse University in 1992 with a major in African – American Studies and a minor in Political Science.

Elijahbrelle Hill
Office & Marketing Coordinator

Elijahbrelle has been at office administrator for about 3 years. He was born in Georgia and grew up tin the Atlanta metropolitan area. As an undergraduate student at Georgia State University, his major focus is neuroscience with an intended focus on pre-med. His experience at On the Rise has taught him strategies and concepts about managing finances and building savings.


(404) 228-1569

Opening Hours

10 AM – 4 PM Mon-Fri